Anti-inflammatory night pudding mask with Asian centella extract and green tea “BIOAQUA”.(22705)

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8pcs * 7.5ml Pudding face mask with Asian centella and green tea extract is designed for soothing, moisturizing and regenerating skin care. The mask has a light pudding texture of a delicate mint color and a subtle fresh aroma of green tea. Thanks to the rich plant vitamin components of centella asiatica and green tea, the pudding mask effectively and in the shortest possible time: - eliminates dryness and flaking on the skin, - relieves itching and accelerates the healing of various inflammations, - helps cope with post-acne, reduces rosacea and other redness , - actively reduces the severity of wrinkles, brightens and evens out skin tone, - reduces the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, wind and cold, - cleanses and tightens pores, - moisturizes, softens and nourishes the epidermis, - improves blood microcirculation in tissues and strengthens the walls of the smallest vessels, - has a powerful anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect, - helps restore skin barrier properties and retain moisture, - reduces skin sensitivity and relieves swelling.
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